Wednesday 2 April 2014



Skyla is a girl who loves experimenting with luxurious textures and playing with soft colours. The delicacy of her flirty peach Valentino skirt that nips in perfectly at her waist gives her a little bounce in her step. Teaming it with a casual, yet well tailored Wang T that is cleverly bejeweled at the neck line with a detailed flower necklace picks up the tones from her pastel blue shoes, Skyla paid attention to detail. But, she never forgets to have fun and never shy of her own protruding personality, the Moschino typographic clutch is fashion having fun and Skyla having a blast. The ankle pop socks were practicality and fashion being in parallel harmonies, and that is an opportunity that should go unmissed. A spritz of Chanel no.5, some blush and a dab of lip gloss and Skyla is ready for world domination (It's just an editorial meeting!).

 This is a look that is both fashion forward in the sense that it can photographed and sit comfortably in a glossy magazine spread and one that is more inviting and less intimidating for fashionistas like us that often intimidate the mud bloods. It is an artsy girls fairytale and a fashion girls fantasy.

Take inspiration from flowers this season, and blossom away!


 Bones & Heels xox